F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions


General Questions about eBooks
Questions about "Online-Reading"
Questions about Adobe Digital Editions
Questions about Adobe Reader/Acrobat
Questions about ciando


General Questions about eBooks



What is an eBook?


An eBook is the elektronic edition of a hardcopy. At this eBook-Store you get eBooks that are based on current formats (PDF, ePub, PDB). The eBooks can be read on all of your devices.


What is the difference between an eBook and an ordinary pdf-file?


The only difference consists of the DRM- or watermark-protection that the eBooks are provided with. DRM (Digital Rights Management) and watermarks protects copyright of the author and the publisher and protects the eBooks from illegal copying.



What do I need, to read eBooks on my Device?


You need the free of charge reader software Adobe Digital Editions (DRM) or a PDF-Reader like the cost-free Adobe Reader and a connection to the internet.



Do I have to be online to read eBooks?


You must be online to download and thus obtain the eBook. Reading the eBook does not require being online. For using the Feature "Online-Reading" you have to be online.



Can eBooks be printed?


In general printing of all eBooks is enabled, neither is the printing option limited in any way. However, there are also eBooks that can not be printed.




About Online-Reading



What is the difference between Online-Reading and downloading?


Downloading means the eBook is stored on the hard disk of the device that you use for the download. The eBook can be accessed on that device at any time, without your being online. Yet you need to have the device with you in order to be able to read the eBook.


In contrast to that Online-Reading means you can access your eBooks from every PC in the world with internet connection. You do not have to carry out a download of the eBook.



How does Online-Reading work?


Register as "Existing Customer" with you login and password. Select "Account" - "My eBooks", where you will find all eBooks that you have previously purchased.


Choose the eBook that you ant to read and select Online-Reading: . Now you can immediately read the eBook in your browser window. No download needed.



Are there any additional costs for Online-Reading?


With every eBook purchase you automatically get two downloads; Online-Reading access is granted at no additional costs whatsoever. One price, different ways to access and use your eBooks!



Adobe Digital Editions



How can I read my eBooks with Adobe Digital Editions?


Open Adobe Digital Editions. In the Menue you see the cover of the eBooks or a list of your eBooks. To open an eBook just doubleclick it.



Where are the eBooks saved to on my computer?


In Windows you will find your eBooks in "my documents - my digital editions".



Can I add other PDF-Files to my Adobe Digital Editions?


Yes, hust open Adobe Digital Editions. Go to the menue. There you can add files.



How can I make backup of my eBooks?


It is required that you have an authorized version of Adobe Digital Editions.


After starting Adobe Digital Editions for trhe first time you can choose between an authorized and an non-authorized activation. Using an authorized version you can archive your eBooks in "my documents - my digital editions" (Windows). The eBook can be read on every device that has been activated with the same Adobe ID. Cuurently it is limited up to 6 devices.






What means Authorization and why do I need it?


The Authorization of Adobe Digital Editions is required to read DRM-protected eBooks on different devices without infringing copyright or other rights of the editor or author.



What is the Adobe ID?


The Adobe ID is a free of charge user account at Adobe. This account is generated when you register online.



How many devices can be authorized?


You can authorize up to 6 devices to read DRM-protected eBooks on them.



How can I de-authorize a device?


A de-authorization is currently not possible. Send us an eMail to support@ciando.com if you want to de-authorize a device. We will forward your request to Adobe.



Adobe DRM


What is DRM?


DRM means "Digital Rights Management". DRM technology enables Publisher to distribute copyright protected contents and avoid illegal copying.



Mac OS Support


Can I read my eBooks with MacOS 9?


MacOS 9 is not supported anymore.



Can I read my eBooks with MacOS X?


Yes, eBooks can be read with Adobe Digital Editions for MacOS X. You need Mac OS 10.2.4 or higher.



Questions about Adobe Reader/Acrobat



How can I read my eBooks with Adobe Reader/Acrobat lesen?


You can read only eBooks without DRM-Protection or with watermark with Adobe Reader/Acrobat.



Questions about ciando



How to register?


  1. With all the eBooks and chapters in your cart continue to checkout.
  2. Fill in the registration form with the requested personal information.
  3. Enter your credit card details.
  4. After finishing your registration you will immediately obtain your activation link by e-mail. You can then continue to your download account and start downloading the titles you purchased.



What do I have to take care of before downloading an eBook?


To download and read DRM-protected eBooks you have to install Adobe Digital Editions first. Here you can get it (free of charge):


Adobe Digital Edtions for WINDOWS (Installation file)

Adobe Digital Edtions for MAC



What do I have to take care of after downloading an eBook?


The eBook is stored on your hard disk. You do not have to be online to read your eBooks.


After the download please use the button "logout" at the right top of the ciando online shop.



What payment methods can I use?


At the online store www.ciando.com we offer two established payment methods: credit card or automatic debit transfer (German customers).


Your prefered method of payment you can state in the registration process and change it later in your account > "payment options".


After downloading an eBook you receive an eMail with the invoice and the amount will be debited to your credit card or bank account..



When is the payment due?


You only have to pay for downloads that you actually obtained. If a download fails due to technical reasons, its cost certainly will not be charged.



I have a new computer, but the back-up of my eBooks did not work properly. What can I do?


Send us a short mail to support@ciando.com, requesting further downloads for your titles. We will increase the number of available downloads in your personal account as soon as possible.




