F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

General questions about eBooks
Quations about Adobe Reader 6.0
Questions about eReader (ehemals Palm Reader)
Questions about Acrobat Reader 5.x
Questions about Adobe eBook Reader
Questions about ciando
Wir über uns

General Questions about eBooks

What is an eBook?

An eBook is the elektronic edition of a hardcopy. At ciando you get eBooks that are based on books in Adobe pdf-format. The eBooks can be read on Windows and Mac, Palm OS and Win CE PDAs. eBooks carrying a little blue icon can also be read on PDAs employing eReader.

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Adobe Reader 6 (and higher)
    • Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
    • Mac OS X (v 10.2.4)
  • eReader (formerly Palm Reader)
    • WinCE
    • PalmOS
    • Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP
    • Mac OS

The operating system Linux is not supported so far.

What is the difference between an eBook and an ordinary pdf-file?

The only difference consists of the DRM-protextion that the eBooks are provided with. DRM (Digital Rights Management) protects copyright of the author and the publisher and protects the eBooks from copying.

What do I need in order to read eBooks on my computer?

All you need is a fully installed version of the Adobe Reader 6.0.1 or higher (Win, Mac OS X, PalmOS). Even Adobe's eBook Reader (Win, Mac OS 9.x) is still supported. Except for that your an internet connection is required on your computer and the Internet Explorer ought to be installed, yet does not have to be defined as your standard browser.

For eBooks in eReader format (formerly Palm Reader) the eReader must be installed on your device. You can obtain it directly from the website of eReader.

Do I have to be online to read eBooks?

You must be online to download and thus obtain the eBook. Reading the eBook does not require being online.

Can I read eBooks on my PDA?

eBooks for Adobe Reader are currently only available for PDAs with PalmOS. The Adobe Reader for WinCE devices is not yet suitable for reading encrypted eBooks. The release of this supposed to be at the beginning of 2005 along with the new Adobe Reader 7.0.

eBooks carrying the blue eReader icon can be read on any PDA with Palm OS or WinCE employing the eReader.

You find further information below in the section PDA support and questions about the eReader (formerly Palm Reader).

How much do eBooks cost?

The price of the eBooks is determined by the publisher. ciando aims at offering every eBook for less than its printed equivalent. This already applies for most of our titles. A considerable part of our eBooks is sold at a price on average 20 % below the price of a hardcopy. The amount saved in comparison with the printed edition is highlighted in the shop.

Can eBooks be printed?

In general printing of all eBooks at ciando is enabled. Neither is the printing option limited in any way.

Questions about Adobe Reader 6 (and higher)

How can I read eBooks in Adobe Reader 6 ?

Reading eBooks in your free Adobe Reader 6 is just like reading ordinary pdf-files.

You always find your eBooks in your Adobe Reader selecting File > My eBooks.

To download eBooks choose an eBook or chapter from the ciando eBook-Shop start a download selecting the format Adobe Reader 6 /7.

Is there a special eBook view in Adobe Reader 6/ 7 ?

Viewing eBooks is not any different from viewing "normal" PDFs. A special view for eBooks does not exist. Just try the full screen view (Strg+L), which shows you the eBook in front of a black background. Viewing the eBook employing the button F8 and F9; this hides the toolbar (in the upper part of the screen), useful bookmark navigation and different views in the lower part of the screen remain visible.

Where are eBooks stored on my computer?

To get to your eBooks select "File" > "My eBooks" - this takes you to your personal eBook library. Or you select the icon "eBooks" in the toolbar of your Adobe Reader and then click on "My eBooks". The actual files are by default saved to the following location

Windows: Folder "My eBooks" in the directory "My Documents"
Macintosh: "eBook" folder in the folder "documents"

What are the system requirements for using Adobe Reader 6 (or higher) ?


Processor: Pentium®
Operating System:
- Windows 98 SE (Second Edition)
- Windows ME
- Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP 6
- Windows 2000 Professional SP2
- Windows XP Professional, Home, or Tablet PC edition
Software: Internet Explorer 5.01 oder höher.
Memory: 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)
Storage volume for the Adobe Reader (English version):
- 55 MB Default Installation (Basic version); 80 MB Default Installation (Full version)
Supported Web Browsers:
- Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5, 6.0, or 6.1
- Netscape Navigator 7.0
- AOL 6.0, 7.0, or 8.0


Processor: Power PC® Prozessor G3 or higher
Operating system: Apple® Mac OS Version 10.2.4 or higher
Memory: 32 MB of RAM (64 MB recommended)
Storage volume for the Adobe Reader (English):
- 70 MB Default Installation (Basic version));
- 90 MB für Adobe Reader Drag-and-Drop-Install with all features (full version)

Can I add other pdf-files to my eBook library?

This is quite simple: Open your eBook-library selecting "File" > "My eBooks" and click on the button "Add file". Then you can add any pdf-file and add it to your library.

How to back-up eBooks?

A back-up of your eBooks requires registering your Adobe Reader at Microsoft.NET or with a so-called Adobe ID. Here is a written instruction how to register your Reader:
Adobe Reader 6
Adobe Reader 7

The actual back-up is rather simple and comfortable: Select "Save Copy" in your eBook library; it can be accessed selecting "File" > "My eBooks". Thus you can save your eBooks to disk, a directory within your network or even on a CD. Your .NET-Password and your Adobe ID respectively help you accessing your eBooks again from another computer.

Can I read my eBooks on more devices?

There are two possibilities how to use eBooks that you downloaded for Adobe Reader 6 on several devices:

  1. Simply download your eBook again using your account at ciando. In case there are no more downloads left in your account (your remaining downloads are displayed clicking on the button "Downloads"), simply turn to our customer support by mail. The amount of available downloads will be raised as soon as possible.
  2. Activate your Adobe Reader 6/ 7 for downloading eBooks that can be read on up to 6 different computers. The activation consists of a short online-registration which you will find a brief introduction to:

    Adobe Reader 6
    Adobe Reader 7

    After activating your Adobe Reader download your new eBooks and / or update your existing eBooks in your library. Employing the same activation information for up to six other devices will make it possible to open a copy of these eBooks on these devices, too.
  3. If you want to transfer an eBook for Adobe Reader 6/ 7 to your Palm handheld, further information is provided below. See PDA Support.

  4. How do I know, if and when an eBook expires?

    eBooks at www.ciando.com do not expire at all. Should an eBook have an expiration date, a clock is displayed in the right upper corner on the cover of the eBook in the eBook library. Simply click on the clock to display the expiration date.


    What is the activation and what is it necessary for?

    The activation enables you exchange DRM-protected eBooks and documents between the computers that you use, without harming the copyright of the author and the publisher.

    Why do I need a Microsoft Passport Account?

    Microsoft .NET Passport is a simple-to-use and free method to determine a user's identity on the web.

    What is the Adobe ID?

    An Adobe-ID is a user account at the software company Adobe. It is generated when you complete an online registration at Adobe, purchase software online at Adobe or make use of an Adobe service such as Adobe Studio.

    How many computers can be activated?

    You can activate up to six computers or mobile devices in order to use protected pdf-files on all of them.

    What kind of devices can be activated at all?

    All Windows and Macintosh computers (Mac OS X Version 10.2.4 or higher) and Palm OS PDAs can be activated.

    How can a device be de-activated?

    An immediate de-activation has been impossible so far. Mailing us at support@ciando.com you can let us know, if you wish to have it de-activated. We will forward your request to Adobe and de-activation normally is carried out within one day.

    Adobe DRM

    What is DRM?

    DRM is the abbreviation for "Digital Rights Management". DRM technology enables publishers to protect the copyright of their contents and grant certain rights to the purchasers of these contents. These rights define what a user may do with the downloaded contents. At ciando every eBook can be printed without limitation for example and a certain number of pages may be copied and pasted into other documents.

    What is the Adobe DRM Activator?

    The Adobe DRM Activator is a website that allows you to activate your computer or PalmOS device for viewing eBooks and protected documents. To access this site from Adobe Reader, go to the Advanced menu, select “eBook Web Services ”, then select the “Adobe DRM Activator”.

    Mac OS Support

    Can I read eBooks on MacOS 9?

    No. The Adobe Reader 6 does not support Mac OS 9. However, if you have the Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader for Mac OS, you can still view your old Adobe eBooks on Mac OS 9.

    Can I read eBooks on MacOS X?

    Yes, you can read eBooks on the new Adobe Reader 6.0 for MacOS X (requires MacOS 10.2.4 or later).

    PDA Support

    eBooks for Adobe Reader can be read on PDAs with Palm OS and WinCE.

    How do I view eBooks on my Palm?

    To view an Adobe PDF eBook on a Palm follow these steps:
    1. Install the Adobe Reader 6 (or higher) on the computer on which the Palm Desktop Software is installed.
    2. Also install the Adobe Reader for Palm v.3.0 or higher (download here).
    3. Download the eBook you want on your computer for Adobe Reader 6.
    4. Open th Adobe Reader 6, select "My Bookshelf" and click the "Send to Mobile Device" button. This will prepare the eBook for your PalmOS device.
    5. If you employ Adobe Reader 7, select File > Digital Editions > My Digital Editions
    6. HotSync your PalmOS device.
    7. Open Adobe Reader on your Palm and select the eBook.

    Does it take long to send eBooks to my Palm?

    When eBooks are prepared for transfer to a mobile device, a so-called "tagging-process" is carried out which eliminates line and page breaks.
    Some eBook files may be large and can take time to prepare and transfer into your Palm device. Most eBooks take less than one minute.

    Why are some eBooks larger on my Palm than on my computer?

    When eBooks are prepared for transfer to the Palm they are "tagged" so that they reflow on the smaller screen. This process may increase file size in certain situations.

    Can I beam eBooks to other Palms?

    No. You cannot beam Adobe PDF eBooks from one Palm to another since the activation setting for an eBook is for one PC or Mac and one Palm device.

    Acrobat Reader 5.x

    How can I download an entire eBook or single chapters for Acrobat Reader 5.x?

    eBooks for Acrobat reader 5.x are no longer supported. Please install Adobe Reader 6 on your computer in order to be able to download the eBooks you want. We would be happy to inform you here about the new possibilities the free Adobe Reader 6 is offering.

    Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader

    Why is it no longer possible to download Adobe eBook Reader?

    Adobe eBook Reader was replaced with Adobe Reader 6/ 7. You can still download eBooks with your old Adobe eBook Reader at www.ciando.com. Yet we recommend downloading and installing the new Adobe Reader 6 (or higher). It is much more comfortable and offers far more functionalities. For example it also enables transfering eBooks to mobile devices.

    Can I still use Adobe eBook Reader?

    The Adobe eBook Reader you installed still works, of course and you can certainly keep on using it for downloading eBooks at www.ciando.com. When reaching your personal download account simply select the format Adobe Reader 6/ 7 which is compatible with the eBook Reader program.


    How to register?

    1. With all the eBooks and chapters in your cart continue to checkout.
    2. Fill in the registration form with the requested personal information.
    3. Enter your credit card details.
    4. After finishing your registration you will immediately obtain your personal password by e-mail. You can then continue to your download account and start downloading the titles you purchased.

    What is important to know before starting a download?

    In order to be able to download and read eBooks the free Adobe Reader 6 (or higher) must be installed on your computer. It is available here:
    Adobe Reader 6 for Windows
    Adobe Reader 6 for Mac

    Adobe Reader 7 for Windows (Win 2000 SE/ XP)
    Adobe Reader 7 for Macs OS 10.2.8 (and higher)

    How can I download an entire eBook or single chapters?

    Before downloading an eBook make sure the free Adobe Reader 6 (or higher)is installed on your computer. It is available here:
    Adobe Reader 6 for Windows
    Adobe Reader 6 for Mac

    1. Add the eBooks or chapters to your shopping cart.
    2. Continue to checkout.
    3. Confirm your order. A list of all your requested documents is displayed.
    4. Select the desired format if possible (Adobe Reader 6/ 7 or eReader) and click on the button "Continue".

    What is important after downloading an eBook?

    The eBook was saved to your hard disk. You do not have to be online in order to read your eBooks, but you can open your files selscting the "My Bookshelf" button in the Adobe Reader.

    After finishing your downloads and the visit at www.ciando.com, we suggest clicking on the "Logout" button in the right upper corner.

    How does the payment work?

    For our international customers credit card is the only possible payment method.

    After you successfully completed the download an invoice is generated and sent to you by mail. Your credit card is not charged with the amount of your purchase until this invoice is generated and delivered by mail.

    When is the payment due?

    You only have to pay for downloads that you actually obtained. If a download fails due to technical reasons, its cost certainly will not be charged.

    I have a new computer, but the back-up of my eBooks did not work properly. What can I do?

    Send us a short mail to support@ciando.com, requesting further downloads for your titles. We will increase the number of available downloads in your personal account as soon as possible.


